- Children from three schools – two based in Kolkata and one from Germany, participated in one of the educational tours to the wetlands. These schools were Sushila Birla Girls High School and Birla High School (for boys) from Kolkata and Abendroth Gymnasium from Cuxhaven, Germany. They were divided into six groups and after conducting the lecture tour, they were told to take part in an essay competition where they had to write one page about what appealed to them and what they thought could be done to save the wetlands. The presentation of the group that stood first has been pasted below.

- We also have much interest shown by foreign learners and researchers to know more about the wetlands. One team we would like to mention was from Drexel University, doing their majorin environmental studies. Their accompanying professor was from this city, now teaching at a foreign university. The students wanted to come back again to learn further about this ecosystem. One of them also wanted to get attached to our Society and work here after completing her postgraduate studies. They were certainly interested in the interface between wetland science and community experience.
- A team of writers from University of East Anglia at Norwich was one of the earliest visitors on the educational tour to the wetlands. As an outcome of this visit, the East Kolkata Wetlands got extensive coverage in “The Guardian“.

Students of Mahadevi Birla World Academy have maintained an interest in the wetlands long after their formal trip to the wetlands was over. They have especially pledged to keep their connection with the wetlands alive and continuing. Some of the students shown above are from the senior school but they want to keep in touch to do their bit even after they pass out from school.