

We regularly look for interns seeking meaningful exposure in environmental conservation issues and assure that the experience of working for the wetland community will be a memorable one. We encourage university students to intern with us in the workstreams of documentation, information gathering, survey, advocacy and assist in capacity building efforts within the organisation. Website management is another area of intervention.

At the end of the internship, the time period for which is flexible, there will be a certificate and a letter of appraisal of the work done by the intern.  

Interns have been associated with SCOPE for about half of its existence. Here is a partial list of them:

Sl no Name of intern Educational  Institution Year of association Type of work done
1 Rounak  Ghosh Christ University 2017 Household Survey – data collection and collating data, website preparation, organising database
2 Nishok GU Christ University 2017 Evolving a visibility strategy for SCOPE
3 Priyanka Das Christ University 2017 As above
4 Ritam Chakraborty RKMVERI, Environment and Disaster Management 2020 Event management and GIS work
5 Baitalik Sen RKMVERI, Environment and Disaster Management 2020 Assisting in film making for SCOPE