
Workstream – 4 Health and well being

Activity – Eye camp 2016

Covered tribal villagers in 3 villages and revealed some interesting connections regarding the social determinants of health in the tribal dominated portion of the EKW. 

Eye Camp for Tribals

Activity – Nutrition management 2016

Nutrition stories – Though EKW is a productive location, knowledge about a nutritious diet is lacking. Our attempt was to organise a discussion session followed by cooking sessions about an inexpensive and easily available diet.

Nutrition Workshop

Activity – Sanitation 2017

Building of one toilet at an anganwadi school and partially supported building of another toilet at a different school

Activity – Health management 2018

Built a charitable clinic by repairing a community hall in the Ananta Badal village of Dhapa. This provided a clean place for the KMC doctor who came to visit every Friday

Charitable clinic at Dhapa

Activity – Education 2019

  • Writing of a Bengali book on the wetlands titled Tomader Katha. This book describes in school level language what wetlands are and what children should know about the East Kolkata Wetlands. This book was meant for the wetland school children and thus was written in Bengali. It was first produced and published by Disappearing Dialogues and printed with support from the German Consulate in Kolkata. Subsequently, it was reprinted by the EKWMA. 

Popularising Tomader Katha

This was done in Bamanghata High School where children were given assignments to do based on this book and its reading. This threw up very useful insights about how to educate children further about the importance of the place where they are growing up

Activity – Plantation 2021

SCOPE assisted the Department of Forests and the Department of Environment to re-aforest the East Kolkata Wetlands, in alignment with a ruling by National Green Tribunal about Calcutta being a non-attainment city, so it had to be given a better tree cover. We helped identify bheries and schools and other local institutions where trees could be planted and identified the types of trees for them. This programme has been a huge success, and the wetland community expressed satisfaction about the fact that they were extensively consulted.